The Medical studies revealed the amazing benefits of the cucumber, which helps in getting rid of excess calories, gain sexual power. The cucumber's ranked the first in the types of vegetables and fruit which fights thirst, it comes before the lettuce and tomatoes, and even watermelon that has a ratio of 92% of water, it is a few calories, and the nutrition experts described to the overweight always, It is considered a star of sliming . Some scientific articles have shown that the cucumber of a large capacity in a sexual relationship: 1. The last search was conducted in the United States of America Revealed that the smell of cucumber excites sexual instincts in men and especially women and raise their fascination. 2. Increased sexual activity for men, especially those who suffer from erectile dysfunction. 3. Increases the period of time in an intimate relationship, where some call "Viagra" organic. 4. Generates urine, which gives...